Which Carnivorous Plant is Right For You?

Which Carnivorous Plant is Right For You?

What's cooler than a carnivorous plant? Nothing. Carnivorous plants are a unique group of plants that have evolved to thrive in environments where nutrients are scarce - such as boggy environments. 
At Crimson, we see a variety of carnivorous plants, each with their own specific needs. When deciding which carnivorous plant will work in your space, you need to ask a few questions...

1. What kind of light do I have in my home? 

All carnivorous plants require bright light. Carnivorous plants need to live in a bright windowsill, under a grow light, or outdoors in direct sun. 

2. How much time do I have to check on and water my plant?

Carnivorous plants require consistently moist soil, and some like to consistently sit in a dish of water. As a carnivorous plant parent, you will need to check on and water your plant regularly. 

3. What type of insect am I hoping to rid my home of?

Different plants have developed different ways to trap and capture insects.
If you're looking to trap fungus gnats, fruit flies, and mosquitoes, Pinguicula "Butterwort" and Drosera "Sundew" work best. These plants have sticky traps that attract and trap insects when they land on them. 
If you're looking to trap creepy crawlies, like spiders, centipedes, and ants, the Nepenthes "Pitcher Plant", Sarracenia "American Pitcher Plant" attract crawling insects with a sweet syrup at the bottom of the pitcher.
The Dionea "Venus Fly Trap" requires motion inside it's trap, therefore is better for larger insects such as house flies, wasps, ants, beetles, and grasshoppers. 

Now, let's look at our options and their specific care needs. 

Dionaea  "Venus Fly Trap"

Prey: Crawling Insects - Spiders, Centipedes, Ants, etc.

Light:  They will thrive in full sun, meaning at least six hours of direct light. 

Water: These plants need to sit in a dish of water at all times. Keep the top moss moist with top watering every few days. They do not want to dry out but try not to flood the top of the traps with water.

Shop Dionaea Here



Pinguicula "Butterwort"

Prey: Fungus Gnats, Fruit Flies, Mosquitos.

Light: 6-8 hours of bright light, a few hours of direct sun preferred. 

Water: These plants need to sit in a dish of water at all times. Keep the top moss moist with top watering every few days. 

Shop Pinguicula Here 






Drosera - Sundew PlantDrosera "Sundew"

Prey: Fungus Gnats, Fruit Flies, Mosquitos.

Light: 6-8 hours of direct light. If your plant is not producing enough dew, it needs more light. 

Water: These plants need to sit in a dish of water at all times. Keep the top moss moist with top watering every few days. 

 Shop Drosera Here







Nepenthes "Pitcher Plant"

Prey: Crawling Insects - Spiders, Centipedes, Ants, etc.

Light: Most Nepenthes enjoy very bright, diffused light or partly sunny conditions.  Nepenthes require at least three hours of direct light if grown indoors on a windowsill. If you notice your plant has stopped making pitchers, it is often a sign that the plant needs a bit more light.

Water: These plants like their potting medium to remain moist, but do not like to sit in water for extended periods of time. All pots must have drainage holes!  Be sure to pour water through the pot and soil mix frequently to make sure all the mix remains moist.

Shop Nepenthes Here


Sarracenia 'Maroon'Sarracenia "American Pitcher Plant"

Prey: Crawling Insects - Spiders, Centipedes, Ants, etc.

Light: Sarracenia prefer full sun, meaning at least six hours of direct light. Sometimes the lids of Sarracenia will slightly burn, this is the sweet nectar burning in the hot sun, it is totally normal.

Water: These plants need to sit in a dish of water at all times. Keep the potting medium moist by top watering every few days. Be sure to check your water levels frequently in the summer.

 Shop Sarracenia Here





Carnivorous plants require a specific type of soil that is low in nutrients and high in acidity. A mix of moss and peat is commonly used to mimic their natural habitat. Never use traditional potting mix, and this usually contains fertilizers and other chemicals that will be detrimental to your plant.


While carnivorous plants can capture insects on their own, they do not necessarily need to be fed insects. Carnivorous plants can also survive off sunlight alone. However, if you choose to feed them, make sure the insects are small and alive to trigger their natural feeding response. These plants like soil that is NOT nutrient dense, never feed these plants with fertilizer. 


There are many different varieties of each of these carnivorous plants that grow in different climates - make sure you research your variety so you can provide it the proper care during its dormancy.

Sources: https://www.petflytrap.com/Sarracenia-Maroon--NEW-LOWER-PRICE_p_3057.html  https://www.californiacarnivores.com/apps/help-center

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